Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Lost it!

So as some of you know, we are crazy. We did 3 weeks of traveling with an almost 3 year old and 3 month old, to visit with 3 of our 4 families. As much fun as this was, and at times was not, now I am really suffering. Before our trips Raya was sleeping 8 hour stretches and nursing once during my night sleep. During our trips it got pretty bad and now we have been home for 2 weeks and things are still not good.
Some people have kids that sleep 12 hours and take naps on top of that (I know of a few)!! Not even Spencer does that. He goes to bed at 8 and wakes around 6 most days and then takes a 2 hour nap. Why are my kids short/poor sleepers? Is it because I am a bad sleeper too? Every little noise seems to waks me up and my arms go numb if I lay on one side too long so I am always moving. It is a good thing that Chad is a good sleeper...he sleeps through noises and all my tossing and turning. Hey why don't our hildren have his good sleeping gene?

At Church today I had been wrestling my over tired baby down for a nap in my arms for an hour. I was all hot and sore from standing/pacing and as always very tired. When my friend asked how I was, I lost it. Tears started streaming and I felt so embarrassed.

Chad walked me home and I put Raya in her crib and then attempted to nap...5 minutes later she was awake.

I have been praying that it gets better...I have reached my breaking point.

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