Friday, July 8, 2011

To Do a 5K or Not To Do a 5K?

So I want and need to get in shape. My post-second-baby-body is less than desired. I thought if I signed up for a 5K it would force me to train.
I tried briskly walking/jogging/running 3 miles and did it in 45 minutes. Is that good or bad, I really don't know?! I was proud of it for a first attempt though. I was SO sore the next day and wanted to keep momentum so I did yoga with a TV program. Wow was I ever sore after that!
I guess I have decided to train like I am going to be in the 5K in October, but not actually sign up since they recommend that beginners have at least 6 months experience jogging before doing a race.
Here goes my own weight loss and get healthy plan!


  1. Have you looked up the couch to 5k program? 45 minutes isn't terrible, especially if you just started running, the couch to 5k is supposed to work you up to doing a 5k in 30 minutes. I'm doing my first 5k next Saturday and will probably be around 45 minutes. I'm too slow still!

  2. Hey, Alicia! I heartily recommend the "Couch to 5k" training program: Definitely easy to start, and works you up gradually to a 5k!

    ~Erin (Grady) Milne

  3. 45 minutes is good for 3 miles from a beginning standpoint. I did at first and have worked my way down to about 11-12 min miles. You should probably be training at a smaller mileage and lesser time than 3 miles and 45 min to begin. I do not think you need 6 months to do a 5k as you can walk/run as you need and they are typically pretty non-competitive, but you should do what you are comfortable with. Good luck -
