I don't consider myself a perfect mother by any means. When I am tired, which feels often, I have a short temper and lack patience with Spencer. I am continually working on this and feel that my improvement is slow but moving forward. With that said, I have given our son his first official spanking.
Wednesday I had a dentist appointment and enlisted the help of Grandma and Grandpa as babysitters. After my appointment Spencer and I hung out for a couple of hours playing and talking. While we were there he filled his pants. Since changing his diaper can be a battle I deiced not to wrestle him in their house and just wait until we were home.
I guess I cut the timing to close to Spencer's nap and he fell asleep in the car. In Spencer's case when he gets even a few minutes of sleep in the car it means no nap for the rest of the day. (Which also means no nap for me.) So I got him home, changed his diaper and feed him some lunch. He acted like maybe a nap would work so I tried it. Well after an hour he still wasn't asleep but he sounded like he was happy just lying in bed jabbering to himself so I left him there. Then he got louder and I realized he was saying "poop". I found this odd since he had already pooped once that day and that is usually it. I stopped my chores and went in to get him and change him.
I opened the door to find him standing without a diaper on in a pile of poo. I have never been so angry and disgusted.
I am actually really proud of how I handled the whole thing. I cleaned him up and after he was bathed and dressed I took him in my arms and calming talked with him. I explained that only places for poop is in a diaper or the potty and that what he did was not acceptable. Then I told him I was going to spank him so that he remembered not to ever do this again.
It was hard but I spanked him and I think it was more shocking to him than painful. I got the poop cleaned up and didn't get sick! It took me half a week to wash all his bedding in cold water until the stains came out and then in warm water to sanitize.
All in all I can laugh about this now but never want it to happen again!
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