Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Trying to explain Thanksgiving to a toddler has proven to be difficult. He has the turkey and pumpkin pie part down but the "thank you" part of it all seems to be hard for him to grasp. For FHE we made lists of what we each are grateful for. We had to help Spencer of course but we think we came up with a pretty good list for him.

He are a few things that he would write if he understood or could write:
Nursery (I think this is his favorite part of the week)
Family (oh how he loves his many aunts & uncles, cousins and grandparents)
Friends (mostly girlfriends, I am still working on finding Mom's to hang out with that have boys)
Music (particularly the Annie soundtrack, it is a new favorite of his)
Special Blanket
Park/Playing Outside
Toy Story
Things that GO (airplanes, trains, motorcycles, etc.)
Accomplishments ( He says "Proud I did it, I did it!" is from a book we read)

As for Chad's and mine list, they had a lot in common.

I want to express my gratitude for my many, many blessings. I am grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a loving Heavenly Father and a willing Elder Brother, Jesus Christ, who atoned for not only me but the whole world. I am thankful for Temples, for eternal families and a living Prophet that acts as the mouth piece of the Lord giving us revelation. For scriptures and the Ensign.

I'm grateful for a loving husband who works hard, cares and loves me and is an amazing father. I am grateful for Spencer and all the joy and humor he brings us. I am so excited and grateful to be adding a little girl to our family. I am grateful for all the rest of my family and extended family, forgive me there are too many to name, just know that I appreciate each of you!

I am proud and grateful to be an American, to enjoy the freedoms I have and am grateful to all those who have and continue to protect those freedoms.

I am thankful for relative good health and for the successful surgeries in my family.

A few other things that I am grateful for are: good food, a dishwasher, a cell phone, a good car, friends, the Internet, bed buddies (rice bags), our home and Spencer naps!

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