Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Love for My Baby Girl

I should begin by saying everything is ok.

As a child I would hear people say how much they loved their little baby and would think to myself "how?" Babies eat, sleep and poop. They don't talk so therefore they have no real personality...how could anyone love a baby so much? As I grew up some, I quickly learned that babies do have personalities and sweet spirits that shine through even though they can't talk yet. Now with a child of my own and one on the way, I am often overwhelmed by the indescribable feelings of love I feel. I loved Spencer the moment I found out I was pregnant. That love grew as I learned that he was a boy and as I felt him move inside me.The same is true with this little girl growing inside me now.

I remember Spencer being an active baby and feeling him move. He was most active in the evenings after dinner and before bed. Well this baby girl is active all the time. I feel her move during my regular activities during the day and even more at night. I have never been a very good sleeper and I wake multiple times at night. Now every time I wake up to use the bathroom or turnover or because I hear something, I feel her move and I mean she is a gymnast.

However last night was different. She did some strange acrobatic move I have never felt before, right before bed. I quickly fell asleep but was repeatedly woken by Spencer's cry (he must have been having some bad dreams). Anyway after my third trip to Spencer's room, it dawned on me that I hadn't felt baby girl move since right before bed, like I explained earlier this is really odd. Then every bad thought went through my mind. I began to poke my tummy and moving every which way trying to get her to move. Chad and I were praying that she would kick. After what felt like forever but in reality was less than ten minutes, I felt her move.

I am so grateful to be mom and to be pregnant again. I love this little girl so much and already couldn't imagine my life without her. How can I love someone so much already? I can't explain it really but I just do!

1 comment:

  1. I think every mom understands! Wyatt did the same thing when I was 8 months old and it scared me to death. Nathan and I seriously must have done everything we could to get him to move in there. Such a scary thing, sorry you had to experience it!

    We're glad the baby is doing good...and thank you for beginning with "everything is ok"!
