Sunday, September 5, 2010

Update on Us

We are getting settled into our new apartment and working on hanging up some pictures. People have been friendly and Spencer and I have been enjoying playgroups, play dates/babysitting and reading time at the Library. All three of us have also been enjoying the pool and walking path. We really love it here so far, except for bringing groceries up the stairs from our parking spot with a toddler.

School has stared and Chad is busy, busy. He feels that this year will be easier and a little bit less time consuming than his first year. I am so proud of him and so grateful that he has a job, especially in today's economy.

Spencer is busy playing with his toys, so busy that he refuses to eat ....he would rather "play toys." (probably since he got soo spoiled for his birthday...thanks to all of you!) He has tantrums and screams but we are trying to ignore them hoping they will soon pass! For the most part he is a happy little boy that brings us indescribable joy.

As for me, I am doing well. My days are busy cleaning up after Spencer and playing. I have been reading Mockingjay and am so close to finishing but I want it to last. I spend Spencer's naps either napping or working on different projects, like making books on shutterfly. I have entered the second trimester of my pregnancy and am feeling the change. I am still tired, but my nausea has been replaced by hunger. I also look pregnant. I feel like my belly just popped out over night. I have felt the baby move and we are excited for my ultra sound at 20 weeks to find out whether we are having a boy or girl.

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