Thursday, March 17, 2011

Labor Story


While pregnant with Spencer I took a Hypno Birthing class and was planning to have a natural childbirth. Women have been giving birth since the beginning and if they could do it, so could I.
I got put on bed rest for a week due to pre-eclampisa and had Spencer 8 days before my due date. My water broke at 5 in the morning and by the time we got checked into the hospital I was tired and done. I had an epidural which has pros and cons. Spencer was born at 5:53pm so my labor was about 13 hours.

Raya's Birth Story

I went 11 days past my due date which is not typical for a second pregnancy when the first child came early. After a few tests on Monday my midwife informed me that my placenta was deteriorating and the "official recommendation" from the doctor was to induce me that night or the next morning. So we made plans to go in on Wednesday. Chad took his one paternity day and we waited all morning for a call that never came. Eventually I called and found out the midwife had an induction at a different hospital and wanted me to reschedule for Thursday. I was pretty annoyed and said "No I am having this baby today!"

So, at 4:30 PM, I checked into the hospital to be induced. Who in their right mind signs up to start labor that late? At 6 I was started on pitocin and by 9 my water broke on it's own. Since I was in labor now they could take me off the pitocin and I could labor naturally. The contractions were more difficult to handle with my water being gone. Chad helped me through each contraction by putting pressure on my knees to help alleviate some of the pain. That worked for awhile but then they were too intense and my midwife suggested I get in the jetted tub. Wow did that ever help! I can totally see why women do water births. Chad sat by my side pouring water over me, trying to keep me comfortable and reminding me to how to breathe through the contractions. However, all good things come to an end and the tub was no longer taking the edge off the strong contractions. They helped me out of the tub and tried to help me find a comfortable position to labor in but nothing was really working. I could not find comfort so my midwife checked to see how far dialated I was. I was at a 7 and 1/2. I thought I could not take it any more and asked for drugs; I thought I was going to die. I said "I am done and I am going home." A few contractions later I was at a 10 and delivering my baby girl! So my labor was about 5 and half hours!

I feel that I owe an apology to everyone in the room that night. I turned into the equivalent of a laboring bridezilla...would that be birthzilla? I screamed and yelled and tried to physically harm the midwife and nurse. They had to hold my arms down at one point. I had Chad by the belt and was in the strangest side position, which did not make things easy for my midwife. They asked me to move but I just refused. I feel like I wasn't myself, I was angry, mean and violent. As soon as I had baby girl in my arms I was me again and I realized how ugly I was being. I began to apologize and I still feel very badly. To my midwife, nurse and the staff, I am sorry for my outrageous behavior.

To Chad

I realize that I carried our baby and birthed her but I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for all your help at home and with Spencer during my pregnancy and for being so supportive in the delivery room. You are a great husband and father! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. You are my hero!! I so wish I could have done the water birth!!! Oh well, maybe next time!! We can't wait to meet her!!! Good job and Congrats on your new little bundle of joy!!!
