Tuesday, August 17, 2010


WE NOW HAVE INTERNET!! It has been about a month since have moved into our new place and this is our first day with internet access. I never considered my true need for the internet before.
I love Facebook….it helps me stay more connected with friends and family. I have greatly missed reading up on blogs and keeping up with e-mails. I have missed immediate access to my bank statements and being able to check my account whenever I want. But most of all I have missed jumping on Google and searching for answers to whatever questions arise… about my current pregnancy, about my tantrum throwing toddler or where to find a good calzone! I cannot express my gratitude for the abundance knowledge and connection to the outside world that is now at my fingertips. Internet, I have missed you, more than I ever thought I could. Thanks to all those who have received my phone call and researched something for me in my time of need, I only hope that someday I can repay the favor.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you back! I am not on FB anymore so this is a better way for me to keep up to date! We really appreciated that you called while Jim was in the hospital, that was really sweet of you. He is doing better now. It is amazing how much we use the internet! It is hard to remember a time when we didn't have it. LOL But I can. Love ya, Lisa
