Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trip Home!!

As many of you know Chad has been busy with the school musical, Hello Dolly. It turned out to be fabulous by the way!! We planned for Spencer and I to fly home while it was Malia's spring break and Chad's busy time. It was perfect timing.

It was so much fun to see Spencer develop a relationship with my sister Malia and my parents, Oma & Opa. Malia and Spencer became playmates, Opa and Spencer became best buds, and as for Oma and Spencer, let just say that they have their own jokes.

Lots of time was spent at the parks, playing in a tent in the living room and eating amazing food. No one cooks like my mom and being home was a real treat. We even tried an old family recipe in hopes that we can keep "pierogies" in the family. It was fun to cook side by side and learn a new skill. I think they tasted really good for first timers and next time will be even better!

Spencer found a new love...Baby songs. It is an old 80's video of babies, toddlers & kids playing and singing to songs. Spencer calls it " toes toes" because one of the first songs is called "Piggy Toes." He begs for it every day, I am so glad they got me a copy!

Malia and I played with American Girl Dolls, Barbies and painted our nails. It was fun to play with her and to get some sister time. Dad, Mom and I enjoyed playing Sequence and watching movie/shows.

All and all a super great trip. Thanks you guys!! I sure love you.

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