Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cat Friend Revisited

You may recall a previous post about Specner playing through the fence with his "cat friend." Now Spencer goes to the fence and calls "kitty-cat." Sure enough the cat climbs the chain link fence and comes to play in our back yard.
I can be in the yard hanging wash while Spencer is napping and the cat does not come over, but when Spencer is out playing in the back yard, the cat appears. Spencer gets so excited, he runs to pet him. The cat graciuosly allows Specner to do this. I try to remind Specner to be gentle but he still makes attempts to pull the cats tail or mount him for a ride. When the cat has had all he can take, he just hops back over the fence.
Seeing Spencer with this cat makes me want a cat of our own. That being said, you have to realize my lack of affection for cats. I hate how they climb all over kitchen counters. I hate how they seem to have an attitude problem. Not to mention that Chad is basically deathly allergic. Not just the watery eyes and sneezing, cats make it hard for Chad to breath. So we will never have a cat of our own...this "cat friend" just over the fence is really a beautiful relationship. Maybe a dog is in store for us down the road.

1 comment:

  1. That makes two of us deathly allergic!!! Cats are always nice...from a distance! :)

