Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Do Moms Do it??

Chad is super busy with the end of the semester and the play going up at the end of the month. We are lucky if he is home before Spencer goes to bed at 8.

Spencer has been sick with a cold since last Friday and is on an antibiotic for his first ear infection and his infected eye. This has been the worst cold for him yet, he gags on his postnasal drip and at times he lays on the couch with his special blanket and Buzz staring off into space....completely and totally out of character. I have been washing his clothes and sheets constantly due to all the gagging/vomiting. And now he is having an allergic reaction to the medicine.

Plus I am I don't know how I get out of bed in the morning. Pregnancy doesn't help matters right now either. And the endless list of must do's and to do's. All I want to do is lay on the couch and suck on Popsicles and hot soup to soothe my sore and swollen throat. Yet I have had doctors appointments for Spencer and myself, medicines to pick up, a car to inspect and get registered, a broken dryer to deal with plus all the regular chores like laundry, dishes and meals.
Life goes on even when you are too sick to keep up.

So when the child and the mother is sick and the husband is not home, who takes care of everything....the sick and pregnant one of course. I am amazed at how I can function. I have been so frustrated feeling like I am being dumped on but in reality I am being blessed.

How do moms do it? I will tell you...they don't do it alone. There is a higher power that steps in to give you strength when you feel like you can't get out of bed. And good family and friends that let you know they care and bring you soup (Thanks so much Lisa!)! Yes I feel like I have been blessed by the Lord to have strength to do the tasks before me ( like clean up vomit and bath a toddler while 8 1/2 months prego) and by good people around me that show they care by word and deed.

Thanks for the love and well wishing...I really appreciate it! I am done with my pity party now and will get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. i honestly don't know how moms like you can handle everything.. i can barely handle every day things with a baby in tow! i seriously cant imagine trying to do it while being sick/pregnant + a toddler running around! you are one strong momma!!
