Two years ago when I had a tiny baby boy in my arms at Chirstmas time, it often turned my thoughts to Mary and baby Jesus. There is something so indescribily sweet about a baby boy at Christmas time. My thoughts were about Christ being a small helpless baby even if "no crying he made" ( from Away in the Manger) I am sure there were a few similarites between my little precious baby and the Christ child.
This year being pregnant has made my thoughts turn to the Chrsitmas story with a new view. Although I am not much like Mary at all, I am only 7 months pregnant, I am not 16 years old and am carring a little girl with an earthly father. Mary had a donkey to ride, I have a nice tahoe with bun warmers. I have a nice home with a comfy couch and warm bed to come home to after my journey(s), not a stable. Plus I will be having my baby in a hospital with comforts that would be tough to find in any stable.
Thinking of the humble way the King of Kings entered this wolrd makes me feel even more blessed. I am grateful for the comforts I enjoy, even being pregant. "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me," and that he came to the earth to atone for me and the rest of mankind.
Do you remember this youtube video from last year? I still love it.
Remember the real reason for the season and lets do our part to give Jesus the best birthday present we can!
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