Friday, September 10, 2010

Spencer and the Pickle

Spencer and I went to the park and then came home for some lunch. Marissa was visiting and we struggled to keep from laughing. You may hear us eating or laughing and I apologize for that. Spencer ate a really filling lunch but I guess it was not enough for he was still more hungry than tired!


  1. Oh my gosh! Westy and I were laughing at this so hard. lol. It is so funny how little kids do not like to take naps. When my nephew falls partially asleep, we will say are you tired and he will wake right up and so I am not tired. lol. love it!!! I am glad you got that on camera.

  2. thats what im like in the car but jon will tell you my hunger also outweighs my sleepiness most of the time. very funny
